Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New post certain to come before the end of 2010!

Dear readers,
You are the few. The proud. The loyal.

And for that, I will be writing a new post to debut before the end of this calendar year.
Thank you for being so patient...or at least making me think that you're checking back in to BossBlog everyday just to see if there may be a new post. I know that is not true, of course, but my narcissism can't conceive it any other way.

So, if you have any suggestions on the subject matter, leave it in the comments. I've got two I'm kicking around:

1) George Michael's hidden lyrics; and/or

2) the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling and how that could potentially affect the incorporation of the Second Amendment to the corporate world.

I know that second one sounds drab, but it could be surprisingly hilarious, while informative.

See you soon.


  1. Act as modest as you'd like, but I do, indeed, check every day. As your posts feed my soul, I see it as my duty to feed your narcissism and will read any topics you deem worthy. I always laugh, and always learn something. Slam dunker.

  2. i'm with the George Micheal....but up against the second choice...i feel i may learn more. But George wrote Freedom Carl....Freedom.

